Saturday, January 24, 2015

Technology Surprise

So the journey to becoming a tech-savvy leader continues. A few weeks ago, one of the vice principals approached me to inform that the school is planning to hold a mock GA Milestones test in just a few days. The purpose of the mock test was to ensure that all forms of technology were in tact and operating properly. She told me that the students that usually receive read aloud accommodations on state testing would receive them via the computer. It turns out the the computer program will read the questions to the students. How convenient!! Unfortunately, the last minute notice caught me off guard, because normally I like to be aware of things in advance. Then reality kicked in and I remembered where I work (ha-ha). I should be used to being approached with last minute duties and requests from what seems like every soul in the building. But, I was excited nonetheless. This particular administrator wanted me to gather her the updated list of accommodations and supports from all 70 students with disabilities throughout the school. Luckily I stay on top of my spreadsheets and try to remain organized, so the request wasn't difficult to complete. She also needed me to distribute a letter to parents informing them of the test and to gather all students on the test day. To make a long story short, when the test day came, the test never happened! They couldn't get the test to work on the computer! Yes, I did everything that was asked of me as usual, but the important thing is the evolution of technology within the school. I never would've thought that students would be able to take a state test on the computer. That is simply amazing to me!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

My First Blog

In the field of education, we all recognize the changes in schools with the integration of technology. I'm sure many have opinions, but it's one of those evolutions that we just had to prepare for because it is not going away. While veteran teachers and administrators become frustrated and struggle with the lack of knowledge needed to operate new technology, newer teachers have an advantage because they most likely were exposed to tools and forms of technology in courses. Educators are obligated to learn and use the expanding forms of technology in their schools. In most cases, we must support each other in order to perform our duties and promote student achievement. I share a classroom with another teacher on my team. We've been sharing a classroom for the past 4 years, so we just consider ourselves roommates. She's about 20 years older than me and has been teaching about 10 years longer, so she's a veteran by far. The thing is, she is not tech savvy at all. I can see the frustration in her face when she's trying to write an IEP or use the Promethean Board. In these cases, I make sure and lend a hand or help when she asks. As department chair, assisting my department is part of my job, right? I try to do anything to makes us look as competent and knowledgable as possible. During my 8 years in the classroom, I've seen MANY changes and technological advances in schools. It's been enjoyable, to say the least. With that being said, I look forward to the journey through this course.